Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Rate Of Return On Education Human Capital Theory And...

Introduction The aims of this section are to outline the main theoretical approaches that underpin the rates of return on education – human capital theory and signalling models, together with reviewing the empirical literature on the topic based on such theory and the estimation issues encountered in section one. The section starts by introducing the underlying theory explaining the typical modelling attempts that take place at both the macro and microeconomic levels. Background Causal effects of education have long been a popular research topic for both labour economists and governments to estimate the effects on earnings and years of schooling. As a result, vast literature has been covered from as early as the 1990’s to present, each one proving in some way that the results from previous papers are negatively affected by some factor, and then aim to correct for this by using a variety of different techniques. This kind of debate provides a fascinating setting for research into the returns to education in the UK. Investment in the knowledge and skills of individuals takes places in three periods; early childhood, teenage years and as an adult in the labour market. During childhood, gaining human capital is predominantly determined by the decisions of others, in particular parents, our cultural environment and early schooling experiences which help to form basic language and mathematical skills and stem our attitudes towards learning from there onwards. As teenagers, weShow MoreRelatedHuman Capital Theory Vs. Theory Essay1500 Words   |  6 PagesEconomists have debated over Human Capital Theory versus Signaling Theory for years. Whilst differences have been analysed, limitations in these attempts have continued this long running debate. However, it is clear that as an individual receives higher education, their ability to attain higher earnings increases. 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